Typ souboru cookie Název Vydavatel Typ souboru cookie a popis cookies Expirace
Technické cookies cookieConsent www.slunecnalouka.cz This cookie stores the user's cookie preferences. 12 měsíců, 5 dní
Technické cookies PHPSESSID www.slunecnalouka.cz Preserves user session state across page requests. session
Analytické cookies _ga https://policies.google.com/privacy This cookie stores registers with a unique ID that is used to generate statistics about how the user uses the website 24 měsíců, 10 dní
Analytické cookies _gat https://policies.google.com/privacy This cookie used through Google Analytics limits the number of requests 1 dní
Analytické cookies _gid https://policies.google.com/privacy This cookie stores registers with a unique ID that is used to generate statistics about how the user uses the website 1 dní
Marketingové cookies sid seznam.cz Tracking conversions within Sklik. They are used for statistical reporting purposes for the Sklik account. These statistics tell us how many users clicked on the Sklik ad and opened a webpage that contains a conversion tracking tag. 1 měsíců
Marketingové cookies Sklik seznam.cz Remarketing function. Identification within the Sklik advertising network, retargeting. Reach users who have previously visited the website and show your ad to users who have already shown interest in our products or services. 1 měsíců
Typ souboru cookie Název Vydavatel Typ souboru cookie a popis cookies Expirace
Technické cookies cookieConsent www.slunecnalouka.cz This cookie stores the user's cookie preferences. 12 měsíců, 5 dní
Technické cookies PHPSESSID www.slunecnalouka.cz Preserves user session state across page requests. session
Analytické cookies _ga https://policies.google.com/privacy This cookie stores registers with a unique ID that is used to generate statistics about how the user uses the website 24 měsíců, 10 dní
Analytické cookies _gat https://policies.google.com/privacy This cookie used through Google Analytics limits the number of requests 1 dní
Analytické cookies _gid https://policies.google.com/privacy This cookie stores registers with a unique ID that is used to generate statistics about how the user uses the website 1 dní
Marketingové cookies sid seznam.cz Tracking conversions within Sklik. They are used for statistical reporting purposes for the Sklik account. These statistics tell us how many users clicked on the Sklik ad and opened a webpage that contains a conversion tracking tag. 1 měsíců
Marketingové cookies Sklik seznam.cz Remarketing function. Identification within the Sklik advertising network, retargeting. Reach users who have previously visited the website and show your ad to users who have already shown interest in our products or services. 1 měsíců